Nexus Pro Wrestling

Nexus Pro Wrestling

jueves, 10 de agosto de 2023

Cartelera Nexus World Series 2023

Noche 1:

1. Nexus World Series 2023 Semifinals 
Killer Kelly vs Matt Cardona (Con Steph De Lander)
2. Nexus World Series 2023 Semifinals 
Will Ospreay vs Masha Slamovich 
3. Nexus Tag Team Championship
Donna Do Mondo (Jungle Kyonna & Miyu Yamashita) (c) vs Subculture (Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews)
4. Nexus Womens Championship 
Janai Kai (c) vs Giulia vs Blair Onyx vs Laura Di Matteo
5. Six Man Tag Team Match
Daniel Makabe & Matt Makowski & Titus Alexander vs Catch As Can (Jonathan Gresham, Chris Hero & Yoya)
6. Singles Match
Samuray del Sol vs Rohit Raju
7. Tag Team Match  
The Hex (Marti Belle & Allysin Kay) vs Max The Impaler & Kevin Ku 
8. Preshow: International showcase match
Team Europe (Sara León, Axel Tischer, Claudia Bradstone & Senza Volto) vs Team Asia (Baliyan Akki, Mei Suruga, Jason Lee & Amir Jordan)

Noche 2: 

1. Nexus World Series 2023 Finals
Killer Kelly or Matt Cardona vs Will Ospreay or Masha Slamovich 
2. Nexus World Championship
Kota Ibushi (c) vs Breezus
3. Singles Match
Hideki Suzuki vs Timothy Tatcher
4. Nexus Rising Teams Championship
Hijos del Ring (Soberano Jr, Laredo Kid & ???) (c) vs British invasion (Trent Seven, Doug Williams & Martin Stone)
5. Singles Match
RSP vs Jake Something
6. Singles Match
Mandy Rose (Con Brian Pillman Jr) vs Natalia Markova (Con Joe Hennig)
7. Tag Team Match
Half Part (Tre Lamar & Bojack Quasar) vs JTG & Jessie Godrezz 
8. Warhorse presents:
The War Zone 

Noche 3:

1. Nexus World Championship
Kota Ibushi or Breezus vs World Series 2023 Winner
2. All In Match - Last Resort Oportunity vs International Championship
Hijo del Vikingo (c) vs Mark Haskins (c)
3. Impact World Championship
Rayan Harrison (c) vs Brian Kendrick
4. Eight Wrestlers elimination match
LAX (Homice, Herández, Santana & Tasha) vs SGC (Manders, Justice, AJ Gray & Sawyer)
5. Singles Match
Daisuke Sasaki vs Drew Parker
6. Light Tubes Tag Team Match
Rocky Romero & Kacey Navarro vs OI4K (Atticus Coggar & Jake Crist)

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