Nexus Pro Wrestling

Nexus Pro Wrestling

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2022

NEXUS WORLD SERIES 2022. Cartelera de las tres noches de shows.


Nexus World Championship - Ladder Match
 Johnny Nexus (c) vs Laredo Kid

Nexus World Series 2022 First Semifinal
Mark Haskins vs Nixon Newell

Nexus World Series 2022 First Semifinal
 Johnny Gargano vs Soberano Jr

Nexus Rising Championship - Trios Match
Dirty Sexy Boys vs Homicide, Hernández & Ortiz

Singles Match
Santana Garrett vs Max The Impaler (Con Edith & Kevin Ku)

Tag Team Match
Big Swole & Tre Lamar vs Briana Brandy & Tehuti Miles

Singles Match
W. Morrisey vs Bojack Quasar (Con Trish Adora)

Opener Match
Breezus vs Joe Hennig (Con Natalia Markova) 

Pre Show Singles Match
Kevin Ku vs PB Smooth


Nexus World Series 2022 Finals
Mark Haskins or Nixon Newell vs Soberano Jr or Johnny Gargano

Nexus International Championship - Singles Match
Hijo del Vikingo vs AR Fox (c)

Nexus Tag Team Championship - Tag Team Match
Daniel Makabe & Matt Makowski (c) vs Austin Aries & Low Ki

Singles Match
Allysin Kay vs Ivelisse

Extreme Warfare Match
Extreme Warfare: 44OH (RSP, Atticus Cogar & Wentz) vs OI4K (Jake, Dave Crist & Nevaeh) 

Singles Match
Chris Hero vs Biff Busick

Tag Team Match
Tracy Williams & Timothy Tatcher & Janai Kai & Yoya

Opener Match
Puma King, Marty Martínez & Dan Barry vs Violent By Design


Nexus World Championship
Nexus World Champion vs Nexus World Series Winner

Team Battle
Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, The OGK & Kenny King) vs Team Ambition (Davey Richards, Rayan Harrison, Rocky Romero & Tootie Lynn)

Nexus Womens Championship - Singles Match
Trish Adora (c) vs Jungle Kyonna

Singles Match
Erick Redbeard vs Jake Something

Singles Match
Mil Muertes vs Komander

Open Challenge
One Called Manders vs Anyone from Japan

Trios Match
Rajaon (Rohit Raju & The Bollywood Boys) vs The Wildhorses (Warhorse, Kon & Vik)

Opener Match
Bandido vs Samuray del Sol

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