Nexus Pro Wrestling

Nexus Pro Wrestling

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2022

Resultados cuadro Tournament of Doom



In Justice (Tre Lamar & PB Smooth)

Matt Makowski & Daniel Makabe

Breezango (Georgeus Breeze & Dirty Dango)

Discípulos de la Muerte (Soberano Jr & Puma King)

Team Ambition (Tootie Lynn & Rocky Romero)

The Righteous (DUTCH & Vinny)


Lil Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Myron Reed)

The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle)

Balir Onyx & Natalia Markova

Chris Hero & Biff Busick

Mark Haskins & Joe Hendry (sustituyeron a Jungle Kyonna y Lulu Pencil)


Violete is Forever (Willow Nightnale & Dominik Garrini)

Lucha Gold (Lince Dorado & Mascara Dorada)

The Briscoe Brothers (Jay & Mark Briscoe)

Marina Shaffir & Jessamyn Duke

Iron Beast (Shane Mercer & KTB)

Resultados de los emparejamientos del torneo:

The Righteous vs The Briscoes

Marina Shaffir & Jessamyn Duke vs Chris Hero & Biff Busick

Lil Rascalz vs Discípulos d la Muerte

Iron Beast vs Violete is Forever

Daniel Makabe & Matt Makowski vs In Justice

Team Ambition vs Mark Haskins & Joe Hendry

Lucha Gold vs Breezago

The Hex vs Blair Onyx & Natalia Markova

The Briscoes vs Chris Hero & Biff Busick

Blain Onyx & Natalia Markova vs Breezango

Team Ambition vs Matt Makowski & Daniel Makabe

Lil Rascalz vs Iron Beast

Lil Rascalz vs The Briscoes

Matt Makowski & Daniel Makabe vs Breezango

De esta manera, el Main Event de Tournament of Doom será un combate a 3 caídas entre The Briscoes, Jay y Mark y la pareja foramda por Daniel Makabe y Matt Makowski. 

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