Nexus Pro Wrestling

Nexus Pro Wrestling

sábado, 9 de junio de 2018

Last Resort 2018 Cartelera Confirmada

Last Resort Match for the Last Briefcase: James Storm vs Ryback vs Kota Ibushi vs Rey Mysterio vs Ivelisse vs RVD vs Daisuke Sasaki vs Pastor William Eaver.

Extreme Rules Last Nexus Match: Loser leaves NPW Paul Robinson vs Jimmy Havoc 


Three vs Three: Nexus Rising Tittles:Cade Red (Osiris, Amazing Red & Arcade) vs New PROGRESSION (Mark Haskins & SPPT)

Intercontinental Match:Davey Richards (c) vs MVP


 If Christian Lose, he have to leave the General ManagerChristian vs Joey Ryan

Máscara vs Cabellera:Penta Zero Miedo vs Joe Líder 


Ladder Match: Losers can't be contenders for a yearMotor City Machine Guns (c) vs Roppongi Vice

Sumission Match for the Nexus World Champion:Zack Sabre Jr (c) vs Austin Aries


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