Nexus Pro Wrestling

Nexus Pro Wrestling

martes, 12 de enero de 2016

Ronda I ~ Nexus World Tag Team Series Nexusmania. Enfrentamientos y vencedores.

The Wolves vs Devastation Corporation
The Unbreakble F*cking Machines vs The Hart Fundation
ReDragon vs Los Perros del Mal
Team lucha vs Team Tremendous
Mexican America vs Beer Money!
Brian Myers & Juventud Guerrera vs N*xT Generation
Los Ingobernables de Japón vs RPG Vice
Ink Inc 2.0 vs Future Promises
PROGRESS vs Cool Philipinos
The Beaver Boys vs World Cutest Tag Team
White Tigre Uno vs Phophets Of Liberty
MCMG vs Judas Whitnesses

Beer Money vs MCMG
RPG Vice vs N*XT Generation
World Cutest Tag Team vs PROGRESS
Future Promises vs ReDragon
The Wolves vs The Fucking Unbreakble Machines
Team Tremendous vs Prophets Of Liberty

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